Samantha Ann Marquez

I have three biological children. I am also a stepmom to three more. We have a house full. I believe in supporting them unconditionally.


Currently 4th

in their Group

You decide who will appear in Woman's World magazine, win a trip to Palm Springs, and take home $20,000

Voting for the TOP 5 ends Thursday the 16th of May at 7PM PDT

What is Super Mom?

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What is the most rewarding part of being a mom?

Seeing my children make great decisions without my input. Watching them grow and mature into young people is inspiring to keep going. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

What is one memory of your kids that you will never forget?

Anytime we play music together. Weather it is karaoke or with actual instruments, I cherish every off key note and every giggle when we mess up on lyrics. I love spending time with my children musically. They each have their own musical gift/quality. I’m blessed enough to get to witness this each time I pull out the guitar or blast “watermelon sugar”.

What would you do with $20,000?

I wear many hats and have my hands in many projects. One for example, is a Children’s book I wrote about Tay Sachs disease awareness, dedicated and in tribute to my nephew Levi who battles Tay Sachs disease. If I had the funds, I would self publish my book and distribute them to raise awareness. I would also enjoy treating my family of 8 (6kids+2adults) to a well deserved vacation. It has been years since we have all gone on vacation together. Family quality time is super important to us.

Children's Miracle Network

Help Samantha Ann Marquez become the next Super Mom while also helping support Children's Miracle Network in their commitment to save the lives of as many children as possible.

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