NaTasha Cameron

Despite being a serial entreprenuer, I am a mom first. I am active and hands-on with everything concerning my children, never complaining.


Currently 7th

in their Group

You decide who will appear in Woman's World magazine, win a trip to Palm Springs, and take home $20,000

Voting for the TOP 10 ends Thursday the 9th of May at 7PM PDT

What is Super Mom?

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What is the most rewarding part of being a mom?

Being present is one of the most rewarding parts of being a mom. The freedom that comes with entrepreneurship allows my presence while my children are growing but also allows me to be present with them. Being able to provide my children with a lifestyle that I never experienced and the fulfillment witnessing them grow and develop. Also, making memories with my children and watching them thrive from my oldest in his career, my middle in high school or the youngest in gymnastics or piano.

What is one memory of your kids that you will never forget?

We have so many memories as a family but one of the most memorable times will be of my dad living with us once he got ill. Life changed for all of us and we all became caretakers of my father. The memories are definitely bittersweet. My father passed away about 6 months ago and we are still reminiscing on the days that he was here and how sometimes he made us laugh while other days he made us cry.

What would you do with $20,000?

There are so many things one would do with $20K. However, I am pretty simple. I love spending time with my family, traveling and shopping online. So, I would probably take my family on a week long summer trip or I may even buy my middle son a used vehicle since he now has his license. I would definitely invest back into our business or my non-profit, which serves my community and whatever is left would go into savings.

Children's Miracle Network

Help NaTasha Cameron become the next Super Mom while also helping support Children's Miracle Network in their commitment to save the lives of as many children as possible.

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