Kelly Gibson

I’m a mom of triplets plus one running my women empowerment fitness business while pursuing my doctorate. Thank you Jesus!


Currently 1st

in their Group

You decide who will appear in Woman's World magazine, win a trip to Palm Springs, and take home $20,000

Voting for the TOP 5 ends Thursday the 16th of May at 7PM PDT

What is Super Mom?

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What is the most rewarding part of being a mom?

The most rewarding part of being a mom is witnessing my children being empowered through my example. They see me accomplishing my goals and know that they too can fulfill their dreams. Becoming a triplet mom made me feel invincible and I started embracing my superpowers. They gave me a purpose greater than myself. Being a mom is my most blessed and rewarding responsibility.

What is one memory of your kids that you will never forget?

One memory that sticks out to me is breastfeeding my triplets! I know it's not a specific memory, because I somehow breastfed triplets for a full year. The math doesn't quite add up, but I would alternate two at a time and then the third would go half on one side and then I would switch. I can't even believe it when I think back, but I miss snuggling them all on my lap at once.

What would you do with $20,000?

I would invest in my women-empowerment fitness business and take my family on a well-deserved vacation!

Children's Miracle Network

Help Kelly Gibson become the next Super Mom while also helping support Children's Miracle Network in their commitment to save the lives of as many children as possible.

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