Kayla Bishop

Above all else, I listen to my children and follow their lead while guiding them through their childhood life experiences into adulthood.


Currently 1st

in their Group

You decide who will appear in Woman's World magazine, win a trip to Palm Springs, and take home $20,000

Voting for Group Finalists ends Thursday the 23rd of May at 7PM PDT

What is Super Mom?

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What is the most rewarding part of being a mom?

Hearing the way I've loved them be so effortlessly returned to me and also directed toward not only their own self-love but also toward their siblings.

What is one memory of your kids that you will never forget?

The year and a half spent living in a very rural zone where we spent a lot of time in nature together and they got to live wild and free, the way they should be.

What would you do with $20,000?

With $20,000 I would work toward saving up for a home my children deserve where we can start building on all of the many big dreams we have.

Children's Miracle Network

Help Kayla Bishop become the next Super Mom while also helping support Children's Miracle Network in their commitment to save the lives of as many children as possible.

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