Charline Ogbeni

I am a lactivist for breastfeeding families. I provide support and resources so families thrive during their postpartum journey.


Currently 4th

in their Group

You decide who will appear in Woman's World magazine, win a trip to Palm Springs, and take home $20,000

Voting for Group Finalists ends Thursday the 23rd of May at 7PM PDT

What is Super Mom?

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What is the most rewarding part of being a mom?

The most rewarding part of being a mom is watching my daughter fearlessly attack every obstacle in her way. She persists and sees challenges as a opportunity to learn and grow closer to her goals. She does not let her size, age, or any other characteristic stand in her way or count her out. It is very rewarding to see her show up as her authentic self unapologetically ready to win.

What is one memory of your kids that you will never forget?

I will never forget the first time I latched my daughter to my breast and fed her for the first time in the NICU. I only briefly saw her after birth and had to advocate for myself in order to be able to see her in the NICU. It was 24 hours after her introduction to life that I was able to hold her for the first time and it is a moment I will remember forever. It was the beginning of our breastfeeding journey that lasted over 3 years.

What would you do with $20,000?

If I were to receive $20,000 it would be used to support my advocacy efforts to help educate parents, community stakeholders, elected officials, and businesses about the importance of breastfeeding. The funds would be used to support Breastfeeding Awareness Day, Breastfeeding @The Ballpark, Purchase of Breastfeeding Friendly books for Little Library, development of advocacy initiatives, and World Breastfeeding Week campaigns. Additional funds would be used for production of print materials.

Children's Miracle Network

Help Charline Ogbeni become the next Super Mom while also helping support Children's Miracle Network in their commitment to save the lives of as many children as possible.

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